Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


5 Words That Spell LOVE to Your Wife (& Your Kids)

5 Words That Spell LOVE to Your Wife (& Your Kids)

Men, your wife needs regular reassurance of your love as a husband. This is not because she is weak or needy, but simply because she is human and wired to be loved in a variety of ways.  Don’t forget—Valentine's Day is this week (hint, hint). Here are 5 words that...

It’s Time to Take Back Your Family’s Time! 

It’s Time to Take Back Your Family’s Time! 

Every family wants more of it, yet no family gets more or less than anyone else. The start of a new year reminds us of one of our most valuable God-given resources—Time. Every family gets the same: 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,766 hours, and 525,960 minutes each...

If well-behaved kids isn’t the goal, what is?

If well-behaved kids isn’t the goal, what is?

Every parent wants well-behaved kids, but is it possible that well-behaved children can become a deceptive mirage and measuring stick for well-meaning parents? If the goal of godly parenting is just to raise well-behaved children, then focusing on the rules alone is...

Please Excuse the Mess… We Live Here

Please Excuse the Mess… We Live Here

I have a problem. I’m a bit of an OCD neat freak. And my family is not. I’m a "picture-perfect" kind of guy who literally walks down the hallway of our house and daily straightens the family photos. From what my wife and kids say, nothing brings out the "military...

Keeping the Fire in the Fireplace

Keeping the Fire in the Fireplace

You’re probably aware of the tragic fires raging in the state of California this past week. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of those affected. Like many things in life, fire can be both a blessing and a curse. Fire ablaze in the fireplace is a good thing. Fire...

In 2025, Your Kids Don’t Care!

In 2025, Your Kids Don’t Care!

“Dad, here’s a gift for you… Well, it’s actually a gift for you to give back to me and your future grandkids....” About eight months ago, our oldest son gave me a book called, Dad, Tell Me Your Story.  It was filled with questions to answer about my family, life,...

6 Parenting Books Worth Your Time in 2025

6 Parenting Books Worth Your Time in 2025

You’ve heard it before, that “leaders are readers.”  Well, it’s true, and in my opinion, there are no greater leaders in the world than the ones in every home—parents.  William Ross Wallace shared this sentiment when he said, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the...

Oh No, Jesus Was a Step-Child!

Oh No, Jesus Was a Step-Child!

Now the birth of Jesus was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.  Matthew 1:18 Imagine with me for a moment, Jesus, the only Son of God, was: The child of an "unplanned"...

Love the People That God Gives You

Love the People That God Gives You

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Constant change—Two words that describe our home in a nutshell over the past few months and years.  Our one-year-old foster daughter is speeding through the seasons of...

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