As parents, it’s our job to prepare our kids for life. And a big part of that job often includes partnering with your school of choice to help educate your children academically.

But as we full well know, there’s a lot more than just academics on the line. So, with the new school year upon us, here are 12 simple yet important things to remind your kids about going back to school:

1. It’s okay if school is fun, but fun is not the purpose of school. Your future is the purpose of school.

2. You will have some good days, and you will have some bad days – guaranteed. Learn to embrace them both. Because the bad days will make you appreciate the good days even more.

3. You’ll make some new friends this year. And they will shape not only a part of your life but a part of your future, so choose wisely.

4. Follow the rules (in the classroom, in the cafeteria, on the playground, etc.), even when no one is watching, and even when others don’t. Remember that you ultimately answer to God.

5. Your teacher will make some mistakes this year that negatively affect you. Be patient and understanding, even when it’s hard.

6. Don’t say everything you think, and always think before you speak. This will save you a lot of trouble, and others a lot of hurt.

7. Give your best, every day. Read, study, learn, repeat. Don’t settle for accomplishing someone else’s best. Your best is between you, your parents, and God.

8. When you have the chance to make yourself look good by making someone else look bad, take the high road, and do the right thing.

9. When you’re faced with the perfect opportunity to cheat, don’t do it. The pleasure of saying no will far outweigh the fear of getting caught.

10. When you see “that kid” who doesn’t have a friend, be the one to change that.

11. When you’re not sure what to do, ask yourself, “What would make my parents and God most proud?” Then do that.

12. Remember who you are. You are a Christian. You are a friend. You are an achiever. You’ve got what it takes. And your good attitude is your greatest resource.

Why not pull your child aside before the end of the day and remind them of these 12 things? It might just open up a door for some great conversation.