Ever since our children were young, we have tried to reserve the moments at the end of the day right before going to bed as a special time.

Not every night, but multiple nights a week, we try to have some times of family conversation, prayer, or some form of connection prior to going to sleep, even if it’s as simple as giving hugs and a quick prayer before bed.

We also follow a routine with our youngest children part of which includes alternating phrases to each other of “Good night… sleep tight… don’t let the bed bugs bite… If they do… get a shoe… and whack them till they’re… black and blue.” It’s something that we started years ago, and has always continued as a final way to close out the day. 

Your routine as a family matters. Bedtime as a family matters. And the end of each day is an opportunity to be intentional about turning the page of another day in your family’s life never to be recovered. Because of this, here are 3 reasons why I believe that every parent should prioritize bedtime:

It’s an important time to your kids 

How a child ends their day is important to them, even if it’s not as important to you. Your presence during this time speaks love, security, and reassurance that everything is going to be okay, even while they sleep. And the younger your children are, the more important this time is to them. Over the course of 18 years, you are given 6,570 nights to prioritize bedtime. How many of them will your child remember? Make sure that you are doing something to make this time special and memorable for your child.

It’s a valuable time for you as a parent 

Taking time to tuck your kids into bed or spend time together as a family before bedtime is a great way to connect with your children, to find out details about their day, and to simply share your heart, your values, and your faith with your children. Bedtime naturally lends itself towards a quiet atmosphere that is perfect for family conversations, as your children are more apt to be calm and willing to listen. 

It’s a daily investment opportunity

Bedtime allows you have the chance to be the last face your child sees, the last voice your child hears, and the last influence your child has every single day. Pray with them, read a book or bible story to them, laugh with them, hug them, tuck them in. Maybe even develop a personal bedtime routine to follow that is meaningful to your children. Bedtime has the potential to be a very precious and memorable time if you are intentional with it.

Deuteronomy 6:7  And thou shalt teach them diligently… when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

What are some ways that you prioritize or take advantage of bedtime in your home?