This past week, our family spent some time together in the mountains of Colorado, and man, its beauty was breathtaking.
Every day, our oldest son, Spencer, would comment to the family about the beauty and awesomeness of being surrounded by the snow-capped mountains.
- “Guys, check out that view!”
- “Man, I could get used to seeing this every day.”
- “Wow, the beauty of God’s creation is all over this place.”
He said it so sincerely and so many times that it almost became old hat to the rest of us… “Ya, we know Spencer.”
But may we never get over the awesomeness of our God. May we always stand in awe. Today, be reminded, like I was, to:
Stand in awe of the God who MAKES mountains.
Just as God created the unique beauty of the Colorado mountains, God created your child as a unique expression of his image to be celebrated and appreciated.
Regularly stand in awe of the good gift of each of your children as a beautiful, God-given creation, entrusted into your care.
Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works.
Stand in awe of the God who MOVES mountains.
We don’t just serve a God who makes mountains, but a God that can move them too. Whatever the “mountain” is that you’re facing right now, or need God to move, have the faith to believe that he can do it… because he can.
Matthew 17:20 If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Have a great week, and no matter what you face, even if it’s the size of a mountain, don’t forget to stand in awe of the God who makes and moves them with ease.
For the next generation,

Spencer & Adrianna found out that our first grandchild will be a boy!