If we listen to the society around us, we’d be led to believe that the way we were raised as kids is no longer culturally acceptable or the norm.
Parents need to be less strict, more permissive, and allow their children to have more freedom than in previous generations, right?
Well, many parents who were once lovingly and sternly held accountable for their actions by their own parents have for some reason abandoned that philosophy of parenting for a softer and more “tolerant” approach with their own kids.
In a world where tolerance is the word of the day, should parents follow suite to a permissive culture?
I recently wrote a guest post for my friend, Grant Cox, over at FierceDad.com, and in it I answer the question, “What does radical parenting look like in a permissive world?”
It’s pretty direct and to the point, and I think that you’ll find it to be both helpful and challenging. I’d encourage you head over to FierceDad.com and check it out.
For the next generation,