• I originally wrote this article nearly five years ago. Wow… It just seems like just yesterday that I had this conversation with my son…

Our oldest son has recently had his sights on the future. Just the other day, we were talking to him about growing up, and without missing a beat, he said, “Dad, just 5 years, and I’ll be out of the house.”

As I heard those words, I couldn’t help but notice how they rolled off his tongue just a bit too easily.

As a parent, I’m sure you can relate to the feeling that you know you’re getting old when your kids keep getting older. Here are 18 fun and humorous reminders of how you know when your kids are growing up. I hope they put a smile on your face today…

You know your kids are growing up when…

  • You know your kids are growing up when the words “diaper bag, pacifier, and sippy cup” are no longer used in your daily vocabulary.
  • You know your kids are growing up the first time they call you mom or dad instead of mommy or daddy.
  • You know your kids are growing up that first time you drop them off for school and they say, “It’s okay, you don’t have to walk me to the door anymore.”
  • You know your kids are growing up when a family trip to Walmart without losing anyone no longer feels like a huge accomplishment.
  • You know your kids are growing up when they roll their eyes at the same weird and crazy things you do that used to make them laugh.
  • You know your kids are growing up when you mention the word ‘cooties,’, and they just shake their heads in embarrassment instead of being grossed out.
  • You know your son is growing up when he starts looking at girls the same way he used to look at chocolate chip cookies.
  • You know your little girl is growing up when she starts asking how old she has to be before she can wear makeup.
  • You know your kids are growing up when they start enjoying coffee and actually look forward to taking naps.
  • You know your kids are growing up when you actually get nervous about holding a baby again.
  • You know your kids are growing up when they know more about your smartphone than you do.
  • You know your kids are growing up when they look at you as more of a chauffeur than a parent.
  • You know your kids are growing up when your son asks if he can borrow the car keys.
  • You know your kids are growing up when your daughter asks you what you think about a certain cute boy.
  • You know your kids are growing up when they get a job and start saving for college.
  • You know your kids are growing up when you take them out to eat and they end up picking up the tab.
  • You know your kids are growing up when they end up falling in love themselves.
  • You know your kids are growing up when you watch them drive away in a vehicle with the words “just married” on the back window.

Parenting is one of the world’s greatest responsibilities…

But oh, how it flies by fast. All we have is 18 years. All we get is 18 years. Make the most of them while they last. The years that follow have a way of coming back to thank you.