Nearly 5 years ago, God led me to start this thing called “Andrew’s Blog”, now more commonly known as (If for some reason you haven’t signed up yet, now would be a perfect time. 😉 😉 )  I began with the intent of helping parents and leaders by providing tips, tools, and training on how to raise and influence kids both inside and outside of the home.

However, what I’ve found over the years is that this blog has been as much of a help to me personally as it hopefully has been to others.  It’s given me an opportunity to discipline myself to better understand my own kids, as well as to find ways to practically and biblically become a better parent. The thoughts contained in the weekly articles are often born out of what God is presently teaching my wife and I and doing in our hearts and lives as parents.  (If you somehow thought that we had everything I write about down to perfection, don’t fool yourself. We’re on this journey just like you are).

So today’s article is one of those that is just as much written for me as it is for anyone else. I’d like to share 4 things that I’m currently learning as a parent. (each point includes a link to an article that addresses each of these things in greater detail.) And maybe they will encourage and help you as well:

4 things I’m currently learning as a parent:

  1. Every family will be different.  We teach our kids from the youngest of ages that God created every person as a unique individual with strengths, abilities, and a personality all there own.  And we remind them that this is a good thing that we are not all the same. And the same is true with families.  Every family has its own God-given direction and culture that makes them who they are. However, as Christians and parents, we often fail to practice what we preach in this area of letting everyone be who God created them to be.  God is teaching me that no two families will look identical, nor should they.  Your family and mine are each unique expressions of God’s fingerprint in the world. 
  2. Watch for things that are “under the radar”.  Parenting is often like a circus juggling act, trying to make sure all the bases are covered with our kids physically, educationally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.  With all the things that parents are responsible for in their children’s lives, how in the world are they supposed to get it all right?  Well, the honest answer is that no parent ever does.  I’m currently learning that as a parent, I am constantly striving for improvement in all areas, and I never arrive.  There are things that catch me off guard that I notice have slipped under my radar (disciplines, character flaws, attitudes, etc.) in my children, and so I tighten up on certain areas, and I pray harder, and I lean in on the grace of God even more than before.  I’m learning that parenting my children successfully requires a constant awareness, engagement, and evaluation of both them and myself.
  3. Discipline still brings the peaceable fruit of righteousness.  More than ever before in my parenting, I’m understanding the value of correction and discipline.  I can see where it has led us in a good way to where we are with our older two children, and how it continues to play a vital role in the development of our younger two.  When boundaries are clear, expectations are enforced, and discipline is administered lovingly when necessary, we see the peaceable fruit of righteousness in our family relationships.  And God Himself is our greatest example.

    Now no chastening for the present seemeht to be joyous, but grevious: nevertheless afterward it yeildeth the peaceable fruit of rightesouness.  Hebrews 12:11 

  4. Consistency is king.  No parent can expect consistent growth in their children if they fail to be consistent in their parenting.  This is a constant struggle that requires us as parents to keep ourselves in check and to regularly re-align ourselves, our values, and our rules.  Consistency is one of the clearest and most easily understood languages to a child, yet one of the hardest things for parents to maintain.  Consistent parenting is what produces consistent obedience and growth.  I’m constantly learning this, and sometimes the hard way.  But thankfully, my Heavenly Father is patient with me, just as I try to be towards my children.

While there are many things that I am learning as a parent, these are four that are currently at the top of the list.

So what are you currently learning in your parenting?  I’d love to hear your thoughts. Also, what are some parenting challenges you’re currently facing that I can help you address or possibly write about to help you and others?  Feel free to comment or send me a direct message