• The following article was written for AllProDad, a great organization that helps you love and lead your family well. 

Girls…They’re wired a little differently than boys. Okay, they’re wired way differently than boys.

If you have both in your family like ours does, you know that at times they can be as different as night and day. And as a result, your daughter needs to be loved differently than your boys. She needs a rock to lean on. She needs to possess your confidence in her and your verbal and physical affection towards her. She is tender and more fragile. And one of the greatest ways she interprets your love is through your words.

While boys feel love when you spend time being rough and tough or playing outside together, girls often interpret that same kind of love in different ways, like when you speak kindly to them, or just simply listen to them. Your words have the opportunity to give your daughter the wings to fly or crush her before she ever has a chance to get off the ground. Because of this, here are 5 things that you need to tell your daughter regularly:…

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