What flavors, scents, or memories come to mind when you think of the fall season? The official start of fall was just a few days ago! (Which brings in the era of pumpkin-flavored everything… oh boy) But regardless of whether you love fall or not, it’s a great time to make some lasting family memories that can usually only be made during this season of the year. 

So round up the family and schedule some of these 10 fun fall activities you can do together over the next couple of months… 

  1. Rake leaves together. And of course, make a big pile to jump in 🙂
  2. Go to a pumpkin farm and pick a fresh pumpkin. Not only does this make for great family pictures, it makes for great family fun.  See who can find the most perfect pumpkin, the most unique, the ugliest, etc.
  3. Pick fresh apples at an orchard. An apple just seems to taste a little bit better when you’ve hand-picked it yourself.
  4. Go on a hayrack ride. Oh yeah! Nothing speaks Fall like the feel and smell of some hay.
  5. Enjoy a hike together. Take advantage of the perfect weather to go for a walk in the woods or a family nature hike. 
  6. Explore a local corn maze. This one always proves to be an adventure. Especially if you get lost. 
  7. Bake a fresh apple or pumpkin pie. It’s a great way to introduce your kids to cooking as well as understanding and appreciating the work that goes into the yummy foods we enjoy.
  8. Carve a pumpkin. There’s something special and fun about kids getting their hands all messy digging out the orange mush inside of a pumpkin. Maybe even bake and flavor the pumpkin seeds for a unique treat once your carving is done.  
  9. Build a bonfire. If you have boys, they’ll especially like this one. Maybe even break out the smores and do a “smore-gasbord” with different kinds of chocolaty treats. 
  10. Drink some fresh apple cider. Try it hot. Enjoy it cold. Fresh apple cider is the taste of the season. 

Many of these are common fall ideas, but there are many more, or variations of the above, if you’ll use a little imagination.

What are some of your favorite fall traditions that you enjoy or that you would add?