What are some things that your children know they can expect from you as a parent? (Outside of you putting food on the table, a roof over their head, and clothes on their back) 

In addition to knowing your family schedule, your rules, your expectations, and your values, what are some things from day to day that your children know that they can count on, or that you want them to be able to count on from you? Maybe… 

  • That you will tell them “I love you” every morning.
  • That you will give them a hug or a kiss before they leave for school.
  • That you will ask them how their day was, and you will take time to listen.
  • That you will spend time playing with them.
  • That you will help them with their homework when they need it.
  • That you will make family life fun, and you will strive to make them laugh. 
  • That you will praise them when they do right, not just notice when they do wrong.
  • That you will pray with them, or tuck them in nightly before bed. 
  • That you will always love and respect their mother or father.
  • That you will give them practical and biblical advice when they face decisions.  
  • That you will affirm them when they fail, and pray for them when they struggle.
  • That you will accept them and their quirkiness through the various stages of growth.

Children need stability and security, and being able to count on certain things in life brings an increased level of both.

There are some things that you do that your kids should be able to ‘take to the bank’ day in and day out.

Things that don’t change based on the whims of your feelings or circumstances. You want your kids to know in a good sense that ‘some things never change’.

I’m not necessarily telling you what they all need to be in your home (although there are some good ideas above to get you started ), but make sure you’ve identified what some of them are for your family.   

For my children, these unchanging constants have shifted at different stages and ages.

However, five constants that I intentionally strive to do for my children every single day are these: 1) Hug them (now with the exception of the oldest who is 16), 2) Pray with them, 3) Tell them ‘I love you’, 4) Make them laugh, 5) Tuck them in (for the younger two).  

What would be yours? What new ‘constants’ could you put into place in your family starting this week?

If you don’t know, simply ask your kids, “What could I do every day that would mean the most to you?”, and start there.