Last year, our family went on a conversational journey together to think through what our family is all about, what we stand for, and what makes us uniquely who God created us to be as ‘Linders’.

Over the course of multiple family meetings and discussions, we walked away with seven key areas that state who we are and what we do as a family. And we came up with a practical and visible plan for us to be able to clearly identify these seven things and hold each other accountable to them.  

We call these seven things our Core Family Values. We have them posted at home, and we refer back to them regularly as a filter through which we do life and make decisions as a family.

Below are our family’s core values, as well as the practical ways we strive to live them out.

Could your family benefit from establishing some core family values? Whether you only have 3 or 4, or 10-12, it’s all good (Feel free to steal some of ours our completely create your own). Your family will be better for it in the coming year!