Embracing Your Messy Life

Embracing Your Messy Life

Life is messy and filled with mess-ups (just ask Notre Dame fans from this past weekend). At least mine is. I was sitting at the kitchen table this past week when I heard a loud pop sound. It didn’t sound quite right. Something bad had just happened.  My 14-year-old...
5 Things I’d Tell My Younger Self As a Parent

5 Things I’d Tell My Younger Self As a Parent

If you had a do-over in parenting, would you take it? Our oldest child is 22 and just got married. Our other children are now adults and teens. (We’ve also been blessed with an 11-month-old “bonus child” that brings so much joy to our lives.)  If I could go back and...
Your Kids Don’t Need Perfect

Your Kids Don’t Need Perfect

Your kids don’t need perfect.  Have you ever gotten frustrated with yourself as a parent because you fell short in some way? Maybe you lost your cool… again  Or your words didn’t match your actions Or, you just seem to be lacking in daily grace with your kids Let me...