Godly Parenting in an ungodly world
Paperback and Ebook available!

About The Book
Raising Christian kids in today’s world is tough but not impossible. Unfortunately, many Christian parents settle for raising good kids instead of godly adults by falling into the trap of traditional Christian parenting over true Christian parenting from the Bible. They often do this by trying to manage their child’s behavior rather than cultivate their child’s heart. And there’s a big difference.
God has trusted parents with the amazing privilege of raising a human life and directing an eternal soul. This requires more than just managing how a child acts in the moment, but an intentional effort at tapping into a child’s heart for a lifetime.
This book helps parents understand the essential keys to godly parenting success from start to finish, while at the same time providing a practical how-to guide to follow no matter where they find themselves on their parenting journey. Whether you’re a first-time parent, a parent of teens, or anywhere in-between, this book is for you!
If you desire to pass down faith from one generation to the next, you’re going to be challenged, motivated, and equipped for success at reaching your child’s heart.
GODLY PARENTING: The greatest gift you can ever give to your children

What’s inside
What is Godly Parenting?
And how can I be successful at it
The 4 Seasons of Parenting
And how to maximize on each one
How to Lead Your Child to Christ
And how to avoid false professions
How to Establlish Control & Balance Discipline
How to Develop Character & Shape Worldview
How to Tackle the Tough Topics
How to Exemplify Grace as a Family
We were thrown into the parenting stage far sooner than my wife or I had anticipated. Four months after marriage, my wife came into the bedroom and said, “We need to talk.” She was pregnant with our first son. Our plans to “wait a few years” quickly vanished and a new season of parenting was on the horizon.
Of course, as “good Christian young people” we both thought we knew all there is to know about successful parenting. As teenagers, we’d watched other people mess this parenting thing up with their kids and said to ourselves, “We’ll never make those mistakes.” I can still remember saying to my teenage self as I saw children misbehaving that “my kids will never act like that.” (I’m sure you never had thoughts like this, right?)
We had it all figured out. We would be the perfect parents, and so our kids would be the perfect kids—that is, until we actually became parents! We quickly threw all we thought we knew about parenting out the window as we learned for ourselves in the trenches what parenting looks like in real life.
And come to find out, trying to raise little humans wasn’t so easy after all. These little angels actually seemed to have some “little devil” on the inside.
Parenting is difficult. It’s messy. It tests you and tries you in ways unlike anything else. Parenting exposes your weaknesses. It causes you to rely on Jesus in new and unexpected ways. Parenting shakes you and parenting shapes you. While you thought you were the one who’s supposed to be teaching and training, all along, parenting somehow seems to be teaching and training you.
“When you’re a kid, you don’t realize you’re also watching your parents grow up.” –Anonymous
And in the middle of all the mess, you’re trying to raise kids who will actually follow Christ for the rest of their lives and ultimately raise future generations to do the same. What a task!
Most parents know where they want to go—they want to raise godly children. But they don’t know how to get there. They want to pass down a legacy of faith to their children and grandchildren, but they don’t have a clear plan for how to do that. Their intentions are good, but good intentions fall short. We need more than good intentions—and this book will equip you with the rest of what you need: a philosophy of what true biblical parenting looks like as well as practical tips and tools to help you carry it out…
Most parents know where they want to go—they want to raise godly children. But they don’t know how to get there. They want to pass down a legacy of faith to their children and grandchildren, but they don’t have a clear plan for how to do that. Their intentions are good, but good intentions fall short. We need more than good intentions—and this book will equip you with what you need: a philosophy of what true biblical parenting looks like as well as practical tips and tools to help you carry it out.

About the author.

Andrew has been a kids’ pastor since 2001. He founded KidzBlast Ministries in 2008, that provides proven resources for churches at KidzBlast.com. He also travels nationwide conducting VBS, summer camps, and family conferences. He blogs at GodlyParent.com and is passionate about intentional parenting and helping others effectively reach the next generation.
Andrew and his wife, Charity, have four awesome kids, Spencer, Faith, Seth, and Shane. They are from Peoria, Illinois.
Andrew Linder

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