5 Ways to Fall in Love With Your Wife Again

5 Ways to Fall in Love With Your Wife Again

I couldn’t believe it when I first heard the news. How were they, of all people, getting a divorce after more than 30 years of marriage? It happens, and far more often than we’d like to admit. Couples drift apart and fall out of love, but almost always gradually over...
Clothing Your Children In the Character of Christ

Clothing Your Children In the Character of Christ

“Dad, for what it’s worth, I respect you and Mom even more now after seeing how you’ve handled this whole situation.” Those words from my teenage son meant more to me than he probably knew at the moment. We don’t always get it right, but this time we did, and he took...
3 Things Not Worth Wasting Your Life On

3 Things Not Worth Wasting Your Life On

As my son walked across the platform and officially graduated from college this past weekend, it brought back a flood of memories and emotions. Where did the time go? How could my little boy already be a grown man? Life is so short and life’s most important things so...
Do Your Kids Know You’re a Work In Progress?

Do Your Kids Know You’re a Work In Progress?

People often say that there’s no such thing as a perfect parent. But I’d argue that they’re wrong. Because believe it or not, I actually used to be “the perfect parent.” That is, until July 31st, 2002, when we had our first son. I remember as a teenager...
Who’s Your Chief Encourager?

Who’s Your Chief Encourager?

Do you have a “Chief Encourager?” If not, you need one. In my life, there’s one person who is my chief encourager. This person is not only positive, but personable. They naturally look for the good in others. That’s why they’re also a chief encourager to...
10 Easy Ways to Physically Bless Your Kids This Week

10 Easy Ways to Physically Bless Your Kids This Week

Want to physically bless your kids this week? Touch with our kids should be regular, intentional, and enjoyable. Meaningful touch from a parent can be a language all its own that speaks something beyond words to reach your child’s heart, not just their head. ...
3 Lessons Learned from 50 Years of Marriage

3 Lessons Learned from 50 Years of Marriage

My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this past weekend! As we took them out for a nice steak dinner to celebrate memories and milestones, I was reminded of some lessons learned from watching their marriage over the years. Here are just a few. 1. A...
Dare to Discipline

Dare to Discipline

For years, I hated the idea of exercise… until I recently recognized all its benefits. Now I strive to exercise daily and my mind and body thank me.  If we’re being honest, we don’t naturally like difficult or painful things, do we? Yet it’s through pain that some of...
Keeping Easter Alive AFTER Sunday

Keeping Easter Alive AFTER Sunday

For the Christian, Easter isn’t just an event, it’s a lifestyle. We serve a big God who is making all things new—both now and for all eternity. This is the beauty of the Gospel that the resurrection portrays. So… why do we “roll the stone” back in place every year...
A Battle EVERY Parent MUST Win

A Battle EVERY Parent MUST Win

“Everyone is silently fighting a battle you know nothing about. Except toddler parents. The battle we’re fighting is loud and everyone is aware it’s taking place.” In the past couple of weeks, I’ve met with more parents than I can count on one hand who all seem to be...
Catching Your Kids In the Act

Catching Your Kids In the Act

Have you ever caught your kids in the act? My 16-year-old son enjoys wearing his AirPods (much like his dad) to listen to music, audiobooks, and podcasts, etc. In the world of noise-cancelling headphones and earbuds where you can easily be in your own little private...
Tapping Into the Parenting Laws of Sowing & Reaping

Tapping Into the Parenting Laws of Sowing & Reaping

You may have heard new grandparents say something like this, “If I only knew how much fun grand-parenting was, I’d have chosen to do that first!” Of course, that’s humorous, but only because it’s impossible. If you were given the choice between building a house’s...
Go Be Jesus To Your Kids Today

Go Be Jesus To Your Kids Today

I was in our living room and could overhear my teenage son talking on the phone in the other room. And I couldn’t help but notice that his mannerisms and his tone sounded eerily familiar. They sounded just like me. Have you ever noticed just how much your kids mirror...
Making Godliness Your Goal

Making Godliness Your Goal

If you’re looking to get your car fixed, you’re going to find a good mechanic. But if you’re having health issues, you’re probably going to see your doctor, not your mechanic. Why? Your choice is a reflection of your goal. If your goal is to raise godly children, it...