3 John 1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
Ever since he was young, our oldest son, Spencer has had a strong desire to play professional football for the Green Bay Packers. And as he’s gotten older, that desire has only increased with time, leading him to pursue options to play in high school and eventually for the Wisconsin Badgers. He follows and loves everything football, and so do his younger brothers.
I’ve told him this many times in many ways over the years, “I’m not opposed to you doing anything you want to do, as long as it’s what God wants you to do. If God wants you to play football, then so do I, and I want you to be the best football player you can possibly be.”
He’s also gotten into weightlifting recently that has become another passion of his. So much so that he’s been talking about a career as a personal trainer.
However, I’ve always sensed in my heart that God had far bigger plans for him than simply football or personal training. While we’ve talked about so many options for his future over the years, I have intentionally been very careful not to impose my personal desires into the equation, but rather allow God to show him personally in His time, and in His way, what His will would be for his future.
You see, what Spencer didn’t know was that for the past two years, I’ve been praying specifically that God would give him clear direction for his future, as he’s quickly approaching graduation and a choice of where to go to college, etc.
In addition to his passion for football and weightlifting, Spencer is actively involved in ministry at our church on many levels, and his leadership in our family, his youth group, and his school is evident. I’ve seen so much potential for how God could use him to influence many lives for the kingdom (I know I’m a bit biased).
Well… this past week, Spencer came home from a two day youth event (that I had honestly almost kept him from going to). And his first words as soon as he saw me were these, “Dad, guess what decision I made this week?… I committed my life to the Lord to serve in full-time ministry!”

Spencer and me just after he told me of his decision
It was exciting to hear the joy and relief in his voice as he told me those words. And come to find out, the words that followed actually encouraged me even more. He said, “I’ve been struggling with this for the past two years. I knew it was what God wanted me to do two years ago, but I just wasn’t willing to say Yes, because I knew what it meant I would have to give up, and I didn’t want to make a commitment to God that I wasn’t ready to keep.” Those words caught me by surprise.
Why? Because for the last two years, I’d been praying for him, not even knowing what God was doing in his heart behind the scenes. God was in the process of answering my prayers even when there was no evidence of it as far as I could see.
And isn’t that just like God. When we let go, and let God, He accomplishes His work, and His will, in His time!
While I don’t think every Christian child needs to feel called into full-time ministry, I’m thankful that God still does call young people into the ministry. And I’m thankful that young people are still willing to answer that call.
I don’t know what prayer you’ve been praying for in your life or in your family, maybe even for years without any hint of an answer, but be reminded that God is still at work, prayers still get answered, and when we are willing to let go and let God, He then can do what He does best.
I Thessalonians 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.