Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


3 Prayers for My Graduating Daughter

3 Prayers for My Graduating Daughter

Last month, our daughter turned 18, and this month, she's graduating and preparing to head off for college. Whoever said that “the days go by slow, but the years go by fast” must have been a parent with experience, because it’s so true.  As I think back on 18 years of...

5 Dangers of Brushing Off Your Children

5 Dangers of Brushing Off Your Children

Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  Ephesians 6:4 “Dad, look at me! Look at what I can do!” “Just a minute, son, hold on a second.” 10 seconds later... “Dad, look at me. Look what I can do." “I’m...

“Kids, Let’s Talk About the Value of a Life”

“Kids, Let’s Talk About the Value of a Life”

Last week was interesting, to say the least, to see how people on both sides of the issue responded to the possibility of the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade. While there are so many things that could be said, I want to simply encourage you to have an honest...

What to Do When You’re In Over Your Head

What to Do When You’re In Over Your Head

Have you ever felt like you were 'in over your head'?... Like you'd 'bit off more than you could chew'?... Or that you were 'burning the candle at both ends' just to keep up?... Sometimes life, and especially parenting, can feel this way. Our daughter just turned 18...

Raising Spiritual Kids in a Sexual World

Raising Spiritual Kids in a Sexual World

Unless you've been living under a rock, it's not hard to see that we live in a sexualized world in just about every way. Themes and images of sexual and sensual things are lurking around every corner that we turn. And if we can't help but notice it, our children...

4 Reasons We Allow Our Kids to Question Us & Our Faith

4 Reasons We Allow Our Kids to Question Us & Our Faith

Our kids question us often, and we don't just allow it, we encourage it.  For many Christian parents, because they don't allow their children to question them in matters of obedience, they often assume the same mentality should apply to their faith. But nothing could...

3 Things Every Girl’s Daddy Needs To Know

3 Things Every Girl’s Daddy Needs To Know

Every dad who has a daughter knows that no matter how old she may get, she will always be "daddy’s little girl". There’s just something special about the bond between a father and a daughter that's both unique and precious. My 17 year-old daughter and I have a...

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