Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


3 Things Every Girl’s Daddy Needs To Know

3 Things Every Girl’s Daddy Needs To Know

Every dad who has a daughter knows that no matter how old she may get, she will always be "daddy’s little girl". There’s just something special about the bond between a father and a daughter that's both unique and precious. My 17 year-old daughter and I have a...

Parents, Don’t Avoid the Conversation. Lean Into It.

Parents, Don’t Avoid the Conversation. Lean Into It.

When the world seems to be falling apart, our kids need us to have family conversations, not avoid them. After finding out about Russia invading Ukraine this past week, one of our children said “I’m scared” as I was tucking them into bed. They had heard about the...

10 Fun Snow Activities to Experience With Your Kids

10 Fun Snow Activities to Experience With Your Kids

Snow activities can be some of the best memory-making moments with your kids if you'll just take advantage of the magic white stuff when you can. And I'll be the first to admit, I really don't like getting out in the snow, but I sure do love having fun with my...

It’s Valentine’s Day! Don’t Forget the Heart

It’s Valentine’s Day! Don’t Forget the Heart

Well, it's that day of the year again that we get to express our love to the people closest to us through not so surprising things like chocolate, flowers, and stuffed animal gifts. It's also that day that many men are scrambling with a prayer on their lips to find...

7 Easy Ways To Miss A Childhood

7 Easy Ways To Miss A Childhood

I love how my friend Jon Acuff so humorously describes the seasons of childhood... “Never tell the parent of a toddler that childhood goes by so fast. Toddler days are 97 hours long. And daylight savings time is the devil, because your kids don’t know. Now, elementary...

Words Have Power — Speak Life!

Words Have Power — Speak Life!

We're two weeks into the new year! Has it seemed that a lot of things just haven't fallen into place yet? Plans haven't turned out... your mind seems in a fog... and the more you try to get done, the longer your to-do list seems to get? I'm not an overly emotional...

Family Fun Paper Nativity

Family Fun Paper Nativity

Each Christmas, our church tries to provide parents with some type of fun and engaging activity to make Christmas meaningful and memorable with their kids.  Today, I'm providing you with two free options that I think you and your kids will enjoy together. Use one......

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