Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


The F.A.S.T. Family Check-In

The F.A.S.T. Family Check-In

Today's article is a guest post by my good friend, Ben Watt. Ben is blessed to be married to Kristina, dad to 2 boys and 2 girls (Ben's family pictured above), and has served the Lord in a variety of ministries, most recently as a family pastor. Connect with him at...

How to Stay Open-Handed & Generous as a Family

How to Stay Open-Handed & Generous as a Family

Growing up, my parents always made opportunities for us as kids to be invested in the lives of other people (maybe intentionally or maybe just because that’s who they were). I can still say that to this day, my mom and dad are some of the most servant-hearted people I...

The Value in Giving Nicknames to Your Kids

The Value in Giving Nicknames to Your Kids

From the time that each of our children were born, I've given them a nickname. Especially in the younger years, I'd often use their nicknames more than their real names when speaking to them. This past week, our foster daughter asked me, "I think I need a nickname. So...

3 Ways to Protect Your Child From Their Own Heart

3 Ways to Protect Your Child From Their Own Heart

We've all seen children who were raised right still go wrong, following their hearts all the way to their own destruction.  One of the most crucial aspects of parenting yet the easiest to overlook is the shaping of our children's hearts. It's so easy to focus on the...

5 Things We Learned In Our First Year of Fostering

5 Things We Learned In Our First Year of Fostering

One year ago our family started on a new adventure of fostering. For my wife and I, becoming foster parents was an answer to many years of prayer. While we knew some of the blessings and challenges associated with fostering, most of how we’ve grown in the past year...

Making Memories Out of Messes

Making Memories Out of Messes

For nearly six months, my son had been begging me to take him camping.  We had enjoyed a great father/son campout with our church the year before that he absolutely loved, so when he found out that we wouldn’t be doing one that coming summer, he was pretty...

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