Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


Help! My child keeps lying… What should I do?

Help! My child keeps lying… What should I do?

Help! My child keeps lying... What should I do?... I recently received a message from a concerned mother who asked this question… “My child lies constantly. Do you have any advice?”   This is a common question and frustration for many parents. The reality is that kids...

She’s a Quiet Warrior – Please Pray for Charity

She’s a Quiet Warrior – Please Pray for Charity

I don't often get super personal on the blog, but today is different. And I'm asking for your help...  To many, she's my wife, but to me, she's my world. I don't brag on her nearly as much as I should or could. But I choose to today. When most people think of Charity...

3 Simple New Year’s Goals to Make with Your Kids

3 Simple New Year’s Goals to Make with Your Kids

Thankfully the crazy year of 2020 is over!  But with every ending also comes a new beginning. Just like a new unwritten page, 2021 brings with it the potential to be a fresh start for your family. So as you're thinking through ideas and goals for the next 12 months,...

Could your family benefit from this in 2021?

Could your family benefit from this in 2021?

Last year, our family went on a conversational journey together to think through what our family is all about, what we stand for, and what makes us uniquely who God created us to be as 'Linders'. Over the course of multiple family meetings and discussions, we walked...

What Story Will Your Kids Tell?

What Story Will Your Kids Tell?

I recently heard this statement and it's stuck with me... “If you want to know the health of a society, look at its children.” Every one of us as parents/adults has a story - a story about our childhood, our parents, and our family culture growing up. We've all got...

Why Your Health Matters for Your Kids

Why Your Health Matters for Your Kids

A couple of years ago, my wife won a new car! Yes, seriously. It was an amazing experience and ultimately a 'God' thing. And over the years we did our very best to take good care of the new car that God chose to steward us with. Imagine for a moment... What if God...

7 Practical Practices of a Good Family Culture

7 Practical Practices of a Good Family Culture

Every family is different, and every family has things that make them unique from others. We all have a different family culture that makes us who we are. But regardless of what makes your family’s culture different from others, here are 7 small, yet important things...

You Know Your Kids are Growing Up When…

You Know Your Kids are Growing Up When…

I originally wrote this article nearly five years ago. Wow... It just seems like just yesterday that I had this conversation with my son... Our oldest son has recently had his sights on the future. Just the other day, we were talking to him about growing up, and...

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