Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


How to Respond When COVID Steals a Childhood

How to Respond When COVID Steals a Childhood

In the last 6-8 months, have your kids said anything that sounds like this? “It isn’t fair that I can’t do ___________." “I miss my friends." “This is the worst year ever!" Living through a pandemic is no small task, for either parents or kids. But especially for kids...

How to Tell If Your Family Has a Device Addiction

How to Tell If Your Family Has a Device Addiction

My 7 year old came inside the house. He had just attempted asking an adult for help, and the first thing out of his mouth was this... “I tried to ask them to help me, but they wouldn’t stop looking at their phone, so I left." It was a shocking reminder for me as a...

The Power of a Generation

The Power of a Generation

He alone who owns the youth gains the future. - Adolf Hitler  Throughout the course of history, one thing that every generation has known is that their mission and values will not last if not perpetuated through future generations to come. One missing link in the...

10 Super Easy Ways to Make Your Child’s Day

10 Super Easy Ways to Make Your Child’s Day

 “Sometimes it’s the littlest things that make the biggest difference." Family life can easily become very routine. When’s the last time you really left an imprint on your child’s heart by surprising them with something special and unexpected? I guarantee you that...

How to Help Your Kids RIGHT NOW Where They Are

How to Help Your Kids RIGHT NOW Where They Are

What do your kids need from you Right Now?... Last week, I shared with you the four main stages of parenting that every child and parent goes through. We learned that the changing seasons of childhood demand the changing responsibilities of parenthood.  It’s important...

I’m Not Ready Yet… Is That Okay?

I’m Not Ready Yet… Is That Okay?

Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart form it. There are some things in life that you’re never ready for… no matter how much time you’ve had to prepare for them. The loss of a family pet The death of a loved...

The Increasing Irony of Good Vs. Evil

The Increasing Irony of Good Vs. Evil

Our children are in trouble, and many are unaware of it. Good vs. evil is very real and at work.  The battle of good vs. evil is as old as God vs. Satan. But we are seeing it on full display in the current culture wars that surround our lives and the lives of our...

5 Simple Life Lessons I Learned from Mr. Rogers

5 Simple Life Lessons I Learned from Mr. Rogers

Over the past year or so, there has been a surprising infatuation over Fred Rogers, the beloved character from the show Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Books, movies, documentaries, podcasts… he’s been everywhere. And why? Because he left a mark on the world like few ever...

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