Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

Never Lose the Wonder of Being a Child
There's just something magical about being around little children. Without even trying to notice, you just can't help but see their obvious innocence and optimism about life. That’s the wonder of childhood. William Blake said this, "Know what it is to be a child... to...

7 Powerful Yet Simple Productivity Hacks I’ve Practiced This Year
Productivity hacks are everywhere, but they are not all created equal. A few things that we all have control over (at least for the most part) are our personal time, our personal health, and our personal growth. Here are 7 small daily decisions that have helped...

Repairing Broken Children
This past week as our family was sitting in the living room listening to a video rendition of God Bless the USA, my 10 year old son’s eyes started welling up with tears as he said, “It makes me so sad that people died for our nation and even for the people who are...

Christian, LOOK UP!
My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. Psalm 5:3 If you’re a Christian in America and you’re anything like me, you may have found yourself a bit disheartened or maybe even discouraged in...

Perspectives An Elderly Parent Taught Me About Children
Recently, my old son and I were helping an elderly lady with some heavy lifting work around her house. We’ve only known this sweet Christian lady for a short time, and came to find out through conversation that her adult son had been brutally murdered just a few years...

5 Surprising Things Corona has Unmasked in the Christian Family
Over the past few months, it has been undeniable that the world has changed. Covid-19 and recent social justice issues have swept across our nation. My youngest son asked me this past week, "Dad, what if robbers come to our house or rioters spray paint on our house,...

10 Scriptures to Highlight in Your Family’s Heart this Week
In light of all that is happening in our world right now, here are some important scriptures to be reminded of as Christians. Why not sit down with your family this week, read these verses together, and have some heartfelt discussion? Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry, and...

3 Rewards of Being a Good Listener for Your Family
For those that know me well, I’m not a huge talker. Even within my own home, I tend to be more quiet than verbally expressive. However, my family loves to talk, and I’ve recently been trying to hone in on my skills at becoming a better listener to the people in my...

The #1 Way to Guarantee Your Kids Will Have a Successful Marriage
More than ever before, we have a generation of kids who desperately need to see a mom and dad who are fully committed, together forever, and genuinely in love with each other. And even more than just seeing it somewhere, they need to be able to experience seeing it...

The Power of Being Convinced
There is great power in being convinced. Here’s how I know... One of my boys' favorite activities is playing basketball in the driveway. With three of them and myself, it works out perfectly for us to play 2-on-2 tournaments, best out of 11. We always play to 30...