Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

Train Your Children for the World They Will Live In (not the one you want them to live in)
Do you remember 'the good old days'? You know, the days when television was in black and white, and your parents didn’t have to worry about what you watched… or where you were? A time when telephones weren't in people’s pockets, but only attached to walls? Can you...

Learning to Live Present Over Perfect
Do things in your life ever go wrong, and you just don’t have the ability to personally fix them? I’m the kind of guy who likes to get things done. You know, a checklist guy... so what gets put on the list eventually gets done. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment that...

3 Reasons Every Parent Should Prioritize Bedtime
Ever since our children were young, we have tried to reserve the moments at the end of the day right before going to bed as a special time. Not every night, but multiple nights a week, we try to have some times of family conversation, prayer, or some form of...

Thanks, Mom
For thinking about me, praying for me, and dreaming about who I would one day become before you even knew me… thanks, Mom. For carrying me in your womb and all of the inconveniences you endured for nine months to bring me into this world… thanks, Mom. For going...

Public School, Christian School, or Homeschool?
Throughout this month, I’ve been answering your reader questions... Today’s Question - What are the pros and cons of various modes of education, and how can a parent evaluate which is best? It’s the age-old question in Christian circles, and everybody seems to have an...

Is It Important for My Child to Be Part of a Small Group?
Throughout the month of April, I'm answering your reader questions... Today’s question - Is it important to involve my children in a Sunday School or small group? Why or why not? Children learn in many different ways through various sources, people, and means. They...

So My Child is Being Bullied… Now What?
Recently, I asked my readers for questions they would like to be answered on GodlyParent.com. Throughout this month I am addressing one of these questions each week. Today’s question - What should a parent do when they find out their child is being bullied? It’s...

What Are the Unchangeable Constants in Your Child’s Life?
What are some things that your children know they can expect from you as a parent? (Outside of you putting food on the table, a roof over their head, and clothes on their back) In addition to knowing your family schedule, your rules, your expectations, and your...

5 Lessons to Learn From Parental Overreach
We see it often... parents who try to pursue success for their children at all costs, sometimes ultimately and sadly, costing them and their children more than anyone else. This past week revealed yet another example of this as many well-known parents, including Lori...

10 Tips for Getting Your Kids to Help Around the House
Do you ever get frustrated as a parent that your kids aren’t helping around the house as much as you’d like them to? Do you ever wonder, why can’t I get my child to show any initiative? I think it’s pretty common for all of us… Here are some super practical ways to...