Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

4 Killers You MUST Teach Your Kids to Avoid
Psalm 107:17 Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted. You don’t have to look far to see people all around who are afflicted by their own self-inflicted choices. Choices that have defeated them, enslaved them, and...

How to Tell If You’re In Control of Your Kids (or the other way around)
Here are 5 simple ways to tell if you are in control of your kids or the other way around. Are any of these things happening in your home? Your kids are telling you "no", and it goes unchallenged or undisciplined. They may even hit you, scream at you, or defiantly run...

5 Things To Pray for Your Kids BEFORE You Need To
Over the years I've had multiple parents who've sat across from me in my office and expressed dire concern for a child who is on a foolish path. And their question is always the same - "What do we need to do?" While sometimes there are practical steps that can be...

“Mommy, Do All Dogs Go to Heaven?”
Our family recently watched the new movie, The Stray, and it was quite a tear-jerker. (Spoiler alert...) While it was a very clean and enjoyable movie, it could potentially raise some serious questions from your kids about what happens when a family pet dies. Because...

When God Chooses to Bless You
Last week, my wife and I attended The KidMin Nation Mega-Con (children’s ministry conference) in Nashville, led by our friends Ryan & Beth Frank. This was a conference that promised to be the most audacious, out of the box KidMin conference ever… and in my...

Want Your Kids to Show More Initiative? (Try these 3 things)
Does this sound familiar in your home?… “Why do I constantly have to remind you to put the milk away… throw away your trash… pick up after yourself… do your chores?” Most parents naturally desire for their kids to do things on their own without them having to be...

3 Ways You & Your Spouse Can LOVE Happily Ever After
A lot of marriages exist instead of excel. They simply survive when God intended them to thrive. What once started as exuberant, young love easily turns into nothing more than "old hat", everyday life. Two people, coexisting, living life together “till death do us...

5 Ways To Start Every Day as a More Patient Parent
You know the drill… It’s time to leave for school in 5 minutes, and one kid can’t find one of his shoes for the 4th day in a row, two of the others are fighting over who gets the last Pop Tart, and somebody just spilled the gallon of milk all over the kitchen floor....

Succeed at Nearly Every Relationship in Your Life with This One Word
One thing that God created us all to have in life is relationships. And some people seemingly thrive in nearly every relationship they have. Others seem to struggle in nearly every relationship they have. Not all that surprisingly, the people who thrive relationally...

One of the Greatest Dangers Facing Our Christian Young People Today
Having been raised in church since I was born, I had heard about Jesus and the gospel since day one. It’s all I’d ever known. I can vaguely remember kneeling at my mom’s bedside at the age of 4, praying a prayer, and making a 'profession of faith’. However, my...