Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

A Busy Parent’s Guide To Doing Family Devotions – Part 1
Every child has just 168 hours in a week, and on average, the church has only 1 of them, which leaves 167 other hours remaining, the majority of those being spent with their families. Who do you think has the most influence? Who do you think has the most opportunity...

6 Ways to Maximize Your Influence With the Kids in Your Care
Through traveling and conducting various children’s programs for many years, what I've found is this - kids will be kids... In certain ways, God has wired them all the same! Regardless of their age, background, or religious upbringing, they all have some of the same...

My Wife Corrected Me… And She Was Right
Since the day we were married, my wife and I have had an “open heart” policy - a mutual understanding that we are each allowed to speak honestly and openly into the heart and life of the other when we have a concern or an issue. Sometimes it may be some sort of...

More Control Now, Less Control Later
God has blessed us with four children: Spencer (13) Faith (12) Seth (8), and Shane (6). Naturally with raising four kids comes plenty of discipline, but the nice thing about discipline is that, if you do it right, it tapers off with age. The child in our home who...

Life Lessons Learned From a Culture of Less
Our family just returned from a missions trip to Grenada, West Indies this past week with a team from our church. We helped conduct VBS and other evangelistic outreach, and what an enjoyable and memorable experience it was. From the very moment we arrived and first...

5 Forgotten Practices That Will Take Your Kids Far In Life
These forgotten practices can be easily overlooked in our society today, but they are still important things to teach and instill within our children. RESPOND WHEN SPOKEN TO Remember the days when kids actually acknowledged those who were talking to them with a verbal...

Happy Independence Day!
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Independence Day! As you reflect upon the significance of this holiday and the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, may we never forget the even greater freedom we enjoy through Christ. John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you...

How to Raise Positive Kids in a Negative World
Let’s face it, the world can be a pretty ugly and negative place sometimes. You don’t have to look far to find it. So is it possible to raise positive kids in such a negative world? Amid all that’s wrong with the world, thankfully we get to be a part of what’s right...

Want to Become a Better Parent?… ASK
Every parent wants to become a better parent, and rightly so. We should all be striving to improve ourselves on an ongoing basis for the sake of our family and our kids. However, many of us fail to ever tap into one of the greatest resources that can improve our...

Is Your VBS Outreach Actually Reaching Out?
Last week, I discussed 5 reasons Why VBS is still important. You can read it by clicking here. But while those things answered the “WHY” of making VBS an outreach oriented event, we really need to answer the question of “HOW”. What is it that qualifies a VBS program...