Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

Is Your VBS Outreach Actually Reaching Out?
Last week, I discussed 5 reasons Why VBS is still important. You can read it by clicking here. But while those things answered the “WHY” of making VBS an outreach oriented event, we really need to answer the question of “HOW”. What is it that qualifies a VBS program...

Why VBS?
I love VBS! I love the excitement that it generates in our church and community. I love the passion for it that builds in my own heart leading up to it. I love the fun and craziness and chaos that comes along with the week of VBS. There's just something totally...

One Of The Best Pieces Of Advice For Your Kids To Turn Out Right
I was speaking recently with a parent whose kids are grown, and I asked him what advice he would give to a young parent like myself with kids still at home. Do you want to know what he said? Here it is... "One of the best pieces of advice I'd give to any parent to...

40 Simple Bible Statements To Teach Your Kids
Here are 40 simple Bible statements/principles to teach your kids. You might find these worthy of putting on your fridge, using as a springboard for devotional ideas, or even committing to memory. Whatever you choose to do with them, they are great foundational...

How & Why To Talk To Your Kids About Gender Identity
Whether we like it or not, as parents we’ve been thrust into a situation by recent events that require us to have a much-needed conversation with our kids about gender identity. But while America is struggling to know its identity, your family doesn’t have to. [ctt...

It’s Not a Perfect Life, But It’s a Wonderful Life
As I write this, it’s 6:30 in the morning, and I’m sitting at my kitchen table looking at the beautiful sunrise out the back sliding-door window of our home. As the sun rises in from the east, it brings in just enough natural brightness that I don’t have to turn on...

Radical Parenting In A Permissive World
If we listen to the society around us, we'd be led to believe that the way we were raised as kids is no longer culturally acceptable or the norm. Parents need to be less strict, more permissive, and allow their children to have more freedom than in previous...

Should Parents Talk To Their Kids About The Rapture?
Here’s an important topic that your kids need to be educated about (preferably, by you) - the Rapture. I Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. We believe that at any moment of any day, Jesus Christ...

7 Practical Keys To Balancing Family, Work & Ministry
Last week, we started answering ‘The Big Question’... How in the world do I balance it all? You can read last week's article by clicking here. Whether you serve as full-time staff, a bi-vocational pastor, or a ministry volunteer, this article will help you get off...

The Big Question… How In The World Do I Balance It All?
BALANCE... we all want it. We all need it. Yet it's a bit harder of a thing to find than it is a word to say. In my annual Reader Survey, I found that over half of the readers on my blog are either paid staff or leaders in some capacity in their church or...