Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

The INTENTIONAL Family Game Plan
I'm sure you know that family life can get really crazy, really fast! And before you know it, we're failing to make sure that some of the most important things in life are happening in our own home. But what if there was a strategic and structured game plan already...

5 Essentials To Becoming A Star Staff Member
If you serve in a staff position or as a leader in ministry at your church, one of the most important relationships you have is the one with your pastor. In an effort to make that relationship the best that it can be and yourself the best that you can be, here are 5...

Keep My Preschooler Seated In Church? You Want Me To Do What!?
II Timothy 3:15 "And that from a child though hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation…" As of last year, my wife and I no longer have any children in preschool. But over the course of the years in raising our four kids, we...

Is My Child Old Enough To Get Saved?
2 Timothy 3:15 "And that from a child though hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation…" Here's a common question I’ve been asked many times by different parents, “Is my child old enough to get saved?” If you work in children's...

3 Ways To Motivate Your Kids To Spend Less Device Time
Let’s face it, the statistics don’t lie. Kids ages 8-18 are spending more than 7 hours a day with their faces glued to a device or gadget of some sort. Whether it be a computer, iPad, smartphone, television, video game system, or anything else. According to a recent...

5 Ideas to JUMPSTART Your Mornings in the New Year
Let’s be real honest… some of us need some super jumper cables to revive us and jumpstart our lives every morning. (Yes, we call it Coffee! Preferably with french vanilla creamer to be exact.) Our groans when the alarm goes off sound similar to our car engines on a...

10 Things The Kids In Your Ministry Won’t Tell You, But Wish You Knew
Ever wonder what the kids in your ministry are thinking, but not saying? Here are 10 things they won't tell you but wish you knew... 1. We can tell when you come unprepared. Just because we’re kids doesn’t mean we don’t notice. 2. We love it when you use our names...

They Call Me Daddy
On this last post of 2015, I chose to write something for my boys... I walk into the living room, a hard work’s day is done, I’m greeted by the smiles and sounds of kiddos glad I’m home. They run to me, they hug me tight, they say “We’re glad you’re here. Daddy, will...

So, What Should We Do With Santa Claus?
A taboo subject among Christian families at Christmastime is often the issue of what to do with Santa Claus. Yes, No, Maybe?… What’s the right answer? Is there one? While there are many God-loving Christians on both sides of the Santa aisle, and I’m friends with many...

3 Surprisingly Unexpected Ways To Evaluate Your Year
At the end of a year, wise people will stop and evaluate the previous year, and see how they can improve themselves over the next 12 months. Well, the last page of this last year is soon to be written, and the first page of the next is almost ready to be turned....