Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


God Is In Your Tomorrow

God Is In Your Tomorrow

Psalm 139:5  Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thy hand upon me. Have you ever been in a situation of waiting where it was hard to trust in God for the end result? Rhetorical question, right?  We’ve all been there. I’ve personally been in one of those...

Is VBS Still an Effective Summer Outreach?

Is VBS Still an Effective Summer Outreach?

Is VBS still an effective summer outreach? That's a question that's gotten some attention in the kidmin world over the last few years as many churches have changed or adapted their summer programing from what is commonly known as "Vacation Bible School" to other...

5 Qualities of Great Servant Leadership

5 Qualities of Great Servant Leadership

Ronald Reagan, who was a great servant leader, once wisely said, "In the end, it all comes down to leadership." All of us, in some way or another, are leaders in some area of our lives, because as John Maxwell puts it, leadership is influence, and we all have...

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