Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

I’m a Better Christian Today Because of These 4 Things a New Believer Taught Me
With the new birth at salvation comes new life in Christ. It’s fresh. It’s raw. And it’s real. I love seeing the "new man" develop in the heart and life of a new believer in Christ. And one of the biggest reasons is because it's energizing and motivating to those of...

6 Things Your Kids Hope You Never Forget About Childhood
How often do you actually stop and remember what it was like to be a kid? Do you remember that feeling of being on the top of the world when your mom would fix your favorite birthday cake or when your dad would carry you around on his shoulders and play horse? Do you...

Reading the Nutrition Labels That Matter Most
In recent years, our family has become more health conscious. We pay a little more attention to the nutrition labels and facts on products before we buy and consume them. And with good reason, because our physical health is important to us. Some of the key things...

Life and Ministry Lessons I’ve Learned from My Pastor
In just a few weeks, our family will be answering God's call and transitioning to a new ministry in Illinois. As I look back on the the past 14 years of ministry in Liberal, KS, God has blessed me abundantly with an amazing church to call home, and a wonderful pastor...

God Is In Your Tomorrow
Psalm 139:5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thy hand upon me. Have you ever been in a situation of waiting where it was hard to trust in God for the end result? Rhetorical question, right? We’ve all been there. I’ve personally been in one of those...

Is VBS Still an Effective Summer Outreach?
Is VBS still an effective summer outreach? That's a question that's gotten some attention in the kidmin world over the last few years as many churches have changed or adapted their summer programing from what is commonly known as "Vacation Bible School" to other...

Helping Our Kids Get On “The Right Side of History”
What's the Big Deal about Worldview? - Part 2 We’re living in a sexual and moral revolution that is taking place right before our eyes, as efforts are being made to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide. And one of the greatest arguments made for it’s necessity is...

Does My Child’s Worldview Really Matter?
What's the Big Deal about Worldview? - Part 1 Whether we want to admit it or not, the word "worldview" plays a much bigger part than most people realize in all that's going on around us in the world today. When we think of key issues that trigger our emotions and...

The Positive Power of a Godly Teenager in a Child’s Life
As a parent, one of the greatest blessings you can have in your children's lives is godly role models for them to follow and look up to. Sometimes this can be grandparents and other relatives, or a pastor or teacher, or even a coach or mentor. However, someone who...

5 Qualities of Great Servant Leadership
Ronald Reagan, who was a great servant leader, once wisely said, "In the end, it all comes down to leadership." All of us, in some way or another, are leaders in some area of our lives, because as John Maxwell puts it, leadership is influence, and we all have...