Snow activities can be some of the best memory-making moments with your kids if you’ll just take advantage of the magic white stuff when you can. And I’ll be the first to admit, I really don’t like getting out in the snow, but I sure do love having fun with my children.
Here are 10 ideas worth trying before we say goodbye to the white stuff for another year.
1. Tic-Tac-Snow
Use a fresh sheet of snow-like paper. Draw your lines, and then get creative to use things like a soccer ball and some sticks for X’s and O’s.
2. Snow-la-Hoop
Grab a couple of hula-hoops and head outside all bundled up. It’s fun trying to hula-hoop in your snowsuits (and even more fun to watch).
3. Snow Creations
Why settle for just a snowman, when you can make all kinds of creative snow creatures. See who can make the longest snow centipede out of smaller snowballs, or who can create the best snow-snake or snow-castle.
4. Snow Painting
Give your kids a spray bottle of water with some food coloring in it and let them go to town painting the snow into pictures or messages. It’s like liquid side-walk chalk for the winter.
5. Gingerbread Snow Man
When making a snowman this year, use all the candy you’d put on a gingerbread house instead of carrots and sticks. Your snowman will look really good with licorice lips and some lollipop limbs.

Or try making one like this!
6. Snowball Target Toss
Have each person make a certain number of snowballs, make a circle in the snow at a distance for a target (or use an actual target), and let the contest begin.
7. Build a Snow Fort
One of the greatest snow memories many adults have from their childhood is snow forts and snowball fights. Get the plastic tubs out and start building a snow wall or igloo fort and some great memories at the same time.

A recent snow fort our kids worked hard on.
8. Sledding & Tubing
Let’s not forget some of the classics. A couple of blow-up tubes or plastic sleds are cheap compared to the hours of value you’ll create with your kids.

Shane & my recent sledding casualty as we hit a snow ramp and broke our best sled upon landing. (It wasn’t just the sled that got hurt. My tailbone still hurts too!)
9. Snow Angels
Who could forget one of the easiest snow activities of all? It’s as simple as laying down and doing jumping jacks in the snow. You can even add extra effects and decor to your angel once you get up.
10. Ice-Skating
My kids beg me to do this one every year. Whether you have a local ice-skating rink in your community or have access to a frozen patch of water, kids always love this energy-burning “snow” activity.
For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth… Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? Job 37:6 & 38:22 (God using snow to explain to Job his great power and majesty.)
Which of these sounds the most fun to you?… Now, go have a snow-good time with your kids!