Parenting is one the most rigorous jobs on the planet… just ask any mom with young kids.

It can flat wear you out.

However, sometimes our littles don’t deserve the overwhelmed, stressed-out version of us that they get. It’s hard to be at your best when you’re feeling at your worst.

To be at your best for your little angels sometimes means getting some time away from them and their not-so-golden halos.

You need time to recharge, refresh, and get back into the game revitalized. You need to be reminded that you can do this! But how do you do it? 

Well, it doesn’t happen by accident. Here are some intentional ideas for taking a break from your kids… for your kids.

Schedule It… It’s often true that what gets scheduled gets done.  So put time away or time alone on your weekly calendar, even if it’s just for a few hours. Especially for couples, the importance of time alone and prioritizing each other not only benefits you but your kids too. 

Hire a babysitter… So this one’s the oldest hack in the book, but still one that you need to take advantage of. Hire that charactered teenager in your church who would love to make a few bucks while investing in your kids for a few hours. Even better yet, set up an ongoing scheduled night monthly to do this like we did when our kids were young (you can see and download our intentional family game plan here).

Do a ‘Kid Swap’… Bypass hiring a babysitter. Find another family with children of similar ages and agree to watch each other’s kids on different nights. Your kids will love the time with their friends, and you’ll save yourself some money. Chances are, there are other couples out there with kids just like you who also need some downtime.  

Put the kids to bed early… (or maybe just ‘on time’) Especially on school nights, your kids need to get to bed early anyway. So set aside some quality time at the end of the day for yourself, or for you and your spouse to connect.

‘Mom’s Only’… Dad’s, let’s admit the obvious, Mom usually needs the time away from the kids more than we do. Take initiative and give her permission to go out by herself or with her friends ‘kid-free’ occasionally. And don’t forget to give her some cash to make her time away even more enjoyable. 

Quit making excuses… Let’s face it, if we don’t make it happen, it won’t. Our kids deserve the best version of us. Don’t feel guilty or embarrassed to take some time for yourself. And if you’re still struggling to make it happen, set that alarm, get up an hour earlier, and prioritize that needed alone time before investing in your littles. (coffee does wonders too 😉 )

Parenting drains your tank. Be intentional to fill it up.

“An empty tank will take you exactly nowhere. Take time to refuel.”

What are some ideas that you’ve found successful in finding time to take a break from your kids… for your kids?