Want to transform your home? Here are two things every parent can get right this week.

Is there anything in your home that you’d like to be different than it is? Any struggles you’re facing? Any challenges that seem insurmountable, whether relational, financial, behavioral, etc? Any hearts that you wish would change?

Every family has challenges. Every family needs help. Every family is struggling in some way or another. 

The good news—God has given every family two simple tools that can begin to transform their home, if they’ll take the time to use them. 

2 Simple Things That Every Parent Can Get Right

No matter what may be wrong, these are two simple things that EVERY parent can get right. Yet they’re often easily forgotten or neglected in our homes. 

Are you ready for them?… Here they are… 

Read the Bible and pray with your kids this week. 

In fact, I’d encourage you to do it daily. Even if it’s just one verse a day, or one small intentional prayer before everyone leaves in the morning, or before everyone heads to bed at night. 

God’s word and prayer are the lifeblood of our lives as Christians, but in our hectic lives, they sometimes get very little of our time and priority.  

Surprisingly, we are not commanded to pray daily, but always, without ceasing. In other words, prayer is to characterize our life. 

Pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:17

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

We are also told to allow God’s word to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105), and a quick and powerful sword with the ability to change hearts (Hebrews 4:12).

God has not only given us his truth but he’s also given us His Spirit to be our “truth guide”. 

When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth. John 16:13

So don’t worry so much about where to read in the Bible, or even how much to read. And don’t think that you have to wax eloquent in 5-10 minute prayers with your family. 

Just start reading the Bible with your kids, and start praying together as a family this week. 

By doing so, God has given you access to:

  • Tap into the truth of the most powerful book ever written—the Bible! And…
  • Engage in the power of the most supernatural activity ever entrusted to mankind—Prayer!

No matter what your family is facing today, these two things are for you and your benefit. 

And they are two things that EVERY parent can get right, no matter what else may be wrong. So don’t forfeit them.

Are you in? I hope so.

Read the Bible and pray with your kids this week!