Behavior Strategy #2 — The Required Response

Behavior Strategy #2 — The Required Response

As a child, our youngest son had a terrible habit of repeatedly failing to do what he was asked. And his excuse was always the same… “But, I didn’t hear you,” or ” I forgot.” On some level, all parents deal with kids not doing what...
Behavior Strategy #1 – The Repeat Re-do

Behavior Strategy #1 – The Repeat Re-do

This month, I’ll be sharing multiple ways to quickly and effectively address common behavior issues with your kids through heart-based strategies that work. While my wife and I got plenty of things wrong when our kids were young, these were some of the things we got...
Transform Your Home With These Two Things

Transform Your Home With These Two Things

Want to transform your home? Here are two things every parent can get right this week. Is there anything in your home that you’d like to be different than it is? Any struggles you’re facing? Any challenges that seem insurmountable, whether relational, financial,...
How to Avoid Being the Adversary at Home

How to Avoid Being the Adversary at Home

One of the ongoing struggles for nearly every parent is striking the balance between being a friend, a parent, and even sometimes an adversary to their children. We all have the same desire for our kids to like us, yet we all sometimes find ourselves playing the part...