Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids to Forgive

5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids to Forgive

The front door swung open and the first words I heard were these, "She hates me, and I don't know why." One of our kids had been hurt by a friend at school, and an important conversation followed.  It’s inevitable, your kids are going to get hurt by others, both...

Parents, You Can Do This!

Parents, You Can Do This!

On many occasions, I’ve talked to parents who feel totally inadequate for the task of raising their children. Parenting seems overwhelming, and as the responsibilities pile up, so does the frustration and feelings of inadequacy.  Have you ever been there yourself?...

5 Things You Can’t Afford to Say No To as a Dad

5 Things You Can’t Afford to Say No To as a Dad

There are times when saying no is necessary. A man needs to know those times. As a father, there are times when saying no to things for a season doesn’t necessarily mean saying no to those things forever. It's more of a 'maybe just not right now' mentality. A man...

5 Counterintuitive Ways to Make Your Child Happy

5 Counterintuitive Ways to Make Your Child Happy

Every good parent wants to make their child happy. But what if a parent's good intentions to bring happiness to their child is actually working against them in the long run? Here are five things that parents are often hesitant to do with their children either out of...

Are You Over-Parenting or Under-Parenting?

Are You Over-Parenting or Under-Parenting?

There are generally 3 types of parents and parenting styles? While most parents are doing the best they can with what they know, many parents are doing one or the other - either over-parenting their children or under-parenting them. They're either going overboard by...

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