Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

How to Lead When There is Mother Daughter Drama
As a husband and father, one of the tricky parts of leading in your home with teenagers is when two women that you love are at odds - your wife and your daughter. And before you know it, you are found right in the middle of it all. So how does a husband and father...

Why EVERY Parent Should Be a Hugger
I’m not ashamed to say it, that we are a "hugging family". We hug each other a lot. And it’s intentional. There are a number of different kinds of hugs that we give for different reasons, but here are a few in our regular repertoire: personal hugs family hugs bear...

3 Reasons Parenting Is Not for the Faint at Heart
Like most newlywed couples, I can remember how excited my wife and I were to have children. 3...4... maybe 10? We planned to wait a couple of years before getting started on our new little family, however, our colicky firstborn son didn't think that was such a good...

5 Ways Man is Trying to Play the Part of God in Culture
Some of these have been around for a long time... Other's are more new and fresh in our thinking. Mankind has always found ways to "become as gods" as Satan tempted Adam and Eve from the beginning. Man's attempt to replace God with self has always been an issue and...

Parent, friend, or both… and does it really matter?
Have you ever struggled with knowing when to be a parent and when to be a friend with your children? Which is more important, and is it okay to be both? Yesterday at our church, my wife and I and our pastor and pastor's wife sat down to discuss the four seasons of...

Helping Your Kids Avoid Negative Christianity
When God calls someone to the life of being a Christian, it is a calling to what is meant to be the most joy-filled and positive experience that any person can EVER know this side of eternity. Our sins are forgiven, our hope is in Christ, and our eternity in heaven is...

The Incredible Power of Small, Slow, and Simple Conversations
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue..." Proverbs 18:21 I can remember it clearly as a young boy when our family would go shopping at Northwoods Mall in Peoria, IL. On a few occasions, I would see someone smoking, and I can still remember Dad leaning over...

How to Win Your Child’s Heart Through Times of Discipline
Wisdom from the Scriptures tells us that when children are properly corrected and disciplined (as our Heavenly Father does for us), it is meant to produce ‘the peaceable fruit of righteousness.’ (Hebrews 12:11) Here are a couple of rhetorical questions: When...

One of the Most Dangerous Phrases in Parenting (and how to avoid using it)
There’s a phrase that can be heard almost anywhere at any time where parents and children are present if you’ll listen for it. And it's one of the most dangerous phrases used in parenting. In general, the scenario goes like this - little Johnny does something that he...

5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids to Forgive
The front door swung open and the first words I heard were these, "She hates me, and I don't know why." One of our kids had been hurt by a friend at school, and an important conversation followed. It’s inevitable, your kids are going to get hurt by others, both...