Godly Parent


Helping you become the parent your kids deserve


Andrew’s Blog Is 1 1/2 Years Old!

Andrew’s Blog Is 1 1/2 Years Old!

Can I ask you for a quick favor? Andrew's Blog is 18 months old!  It's been a great ride helping to equip and encourage parents and leaders like yourself to effectively reach the next generation.  Thanks for being a faithful reader. Below I have a quick survey that...

5 Reasons Why I Date My Daughter

5 Reasons Why I Date My Daughter

I have a confession to make... I'm dating someone else, but my wife's okay with it... Of our four children, the Lord blessed us with one little girl, daddy’s Princess, Faith. There’s something very special about a Daddy/Daughter relationship.  Something unique and...

Is Your Home A Place of Grace?

Is Your Home A Place of Grace?

If your teenager came to you and asked if they could speak to you privately, because they’d really messed up, what would be the first thing that would come to your mind as a parent? Would you automatically think the worst? Would you say something sarcastic like,...

3 Child-Rearing Tips From A PERFECT PARENT

3 Child-Rearing Tips From A PERFECT PARENT

The only perfect parent that has ever existed is God Himself. He raised the perfect Son in and through the person of Jesus Christ.  But He’s also the parent to every person who claims to know Him as Savior and Lord.  God is our Heavenly Father. The picture and...

6 Things SAID NO PARENT EVER at the End of Their Life

6 Things SAID NO PARENT EVER at the End of Their Life

When we’re in the middle of parenting, it feels like it will last forever.  But as we all know, it doesn’t! Every parent will some day come to the end of their parenting journey and ultimately the end of their life.  And when it’s all said and done... here are 6...

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