Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

Simple Changes to Shift From Good to Godly Parenting
Do you ever feel like your parenting efforts are just falling short? Sometimes all it takes are small adjustments to make huge progress. Most Christian parents want to be the godly parent their child deserves, but they find it hard to get from good to godly parenting....

3 Qualities of a Godly Parent
Godly children are the result of godly parents. A wise parent will not waste their time simply trying to raise good kids, because goodness is not the goal. Godliness is the goal. Because a child can be good without being godly. But a child who is godly will naturally...

How to Handle Siblings Who Can Never Get Along
Today’s Reader Question: "How do you handle siblings who can never get along no matter what you try? Should this be a concern or will they grow out of it?" “They’re not letting me have a turn!” “That’s not fair!” “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” "You're so...

You Can’t Understand Your Future By Trying to Erase Your Past
As we enter into a new year, it's easy to allow past failures to hinder us from future success. In the things that really matter, we can find more excuses for why we can't then for why we can. Thankfully, with a new year comes a clean slate, BUT... if we're not...

Making Your Christmas More “Wonder”, Less “Full”
Less than two weeks until Christmas! It’s that time for lots of shopping, parties, food, and of course, who can forget the in-laws (rhetorical question in case you were wondering)? It’s the most busiest, I mean, wonderful, time of the year. And sometimes it can seem...

How to G.I.F.T. Yourself to Your Family This Christmas
Around this time of year, there's always a lot of gift giving going on to show people that we love and appreciate them. And of course, there's no better people for us to show that to than our family. While Christmas is a wonderful time to express our love through...

5 Simple Adjustments That Will Make You a Better Parent or Leader
"Not everyone will become a great leader, but everyone can become a better leader." -John Maxwell What if every leader improved by just 1% in what they do every year? Imagine how that could change the trajectory of a life over time. Let me encourage you to do whatever...

How to Bless Your Child With the Gift of Thankfulness
Have you ever encountered this scenario in your home?... Your kids go into the kitchen for a snack. They open up the cupboards, move around all the boxes, bags, and cans of food trying to find something to eat, and then make this amazing declaration, “There ain’t...

Knowing Your Child’s Current Niche & Why It Matters
Like any normal kid, I was "into" a lot of different things growing up. As a 7 or 8-year-old, my uncle gave me a massive 3-ring binder stamp collecting kit. And so for a couple of years, I was a stamp-collecting champion trying to fill that impossibly-sized binder. I...

Your Kids Will Get Your Attention—The Question is How
Kids today are facing an attention dilemma. They crave attention from their parents and leaders, and they will often get it one way or another through various means. This could mean seeking attention in the right ways or demanding it in the wrong ways. Jesus knew how...