Godly Parent
Helping you become the parent your kids deserve

3 Principles for Raising Confident Kids
In a conference I attended recently, I heard this startling statistic about confidence from Dr. Keith Johnson - “From the time a child is 1-4 years old, their confidence is being cemented into place. And this confidence is developed during these years by the...

Letting Go and Letting God
3 John 1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. Ever since he was young, our oldest son, Spencer has had a strong desire to play professional football for the Green Bay Packers. And as he's gotten older, that desire has only increased...

PG: Parental Guidance REQUIRED
Over the past 4 weeks at our home church, my pastor, Josh Beutow, and I, have preached through a series of messages on parenting called PG: Parental Guidance Required. Here are some of the thought-provoking quotes from this series that I think will challenge you:...

Why Mom & Dad HAVE TO Get On the Same Page
Throughout many years of observing parents, one thing I have seen that has the potential to divide families, foster unhealthy favoritism, and wreak havoc on the well-being of children is this - parents who aren’t on the same page. It’s like a coach and...

5 tools that need to be in EVERY Leader’s Toolbox
Incredible leaders have incredible tools that they use regularly, because they flat-out work. I’ve been blessed to serve among some incredible leaders, and here are 5 common tools that I've learned they use, and that I strive to use myself as well, not only in...

Learning to Let Them Go
Last week, I watched as my 16 year-old son drove out of our driveway for the very first time completely by himself. It was kind of a surreal moment, as it hit me again that our children grow up so fast, and I was reminded of how this would only be one of many...

3 Steps to Regret-Free Parenting
Every parent who gets to the end of their parenting journey always has some regrets, or things they’d at least have changed. But what if we could reverse regret? I believe that in some ways we can on the front end. And especially as parents, if we choose to be...

Lord, Change Me
I recently read this captivating illustration, and it challenged me… Let’s pretend that your banker phoned you late last Friday and said he had some very good news. He told you that an anonymous donor who loves you very much has decided to deposit 86,400 pennies into...

3 Lessons Learned in 3 Years of Raising Teenagers
As hard as it is to believe, our oldest child turns 16 this month, and is about to get his driver’s license (ya’ll pray for us). We also have a beautiful teenage daughter who is 14. As parents, we are constantly learning on this journey as we strive to do our best...

3 Ways to Pay It Forward to Your Kids
Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children. We know it's true, but it's good to be reminded... What you and I do today will affect future generations tomorrow. Your decisions will affect your children’s lives just as much as your...